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Outstanding Achievements Recognized at 2016 ASHRAE Annual Conference

June 28, 2016
Ninety-two people were recognized for their contributions to ASHRAE and the built-environment industry during ASHRAE’s 2016 Annual Conference in St. Louis.

Ninety-two people were recognized for their contributions to ASHRAE and the built-environment industry during ASHRAE’s 2016 Annual Conference, being held June 25-29 in St. Louis.

Louise and Bill Holladay Distinguished Fellow Award

Steven T. Taylor, PE, FASHRAE, principal, Taylor Engineering, Alameda, Calif., received the Louise and Bill Holladay Distinguished Fellow Award, given to an ASHRAE Fellow for continuous preeminence in engineering or research work.

Andrew T. Boggs Service Award

Presidential Member H.E. “Barney” Burroughs, FASHRAE, Life Member, president and CEO, Building Wellness Consultancy Inc., Johns Creek, Ga., received the Andrew T. Boggs Service Award, which recognizes an Exceptional Service Award recipient for continuing unselfish, dedicated, and distinguished service.

Distinguished 50-Year Member Award

The Distinguished 50-Year Member Award is given to individuals who have been a member for a minimum of 50 years and who have performed outstanding service. Receiving the award were:

  • Herman F. Behls, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, Arlington Heights, Ill., retired from Sargent and Lundy Engineers, Chicago.
  • Charles E. Bullock, FASHRAE, Life Member, North Syracuse, N.Y.
  • Eileen Duignan-Woods, PE, Life Member, Silver Spring, Md.
  • Paul J. Halyard, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, president emeritus, Peninsula Forensic Engineering Inc., Orlando, Fla.
  • Norman W. Johnson, Life Member, deceased.
  • Ping Ki Kwok, FASHRAE, Life Member, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.
  • Denis J. Morris, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • Charles J. Procell, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, Hartsdale, N.Y.
  • James A. Scriven, P.Eng., FASHRAE, Life Member, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • J. Thomas Sobieski, Life Member, retired executive vice president, Miller-Picking Corp., part of York International Corp., Johnstown, Pa.
  • Tseng-Yao Sun, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.
  • Carl A. Swenson, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, Greeley, Colo.
  • Gordon B. Weld, P.Eng., FASHRAE, Life Member, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • John W. Welsh, FASHRAE, Life Member, deceased.
  • Gary L. Wingfield, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, Sapphire, N.C.

Exceptional Service Award

The Exceptional Service Award recognizes Distinguished Service Award recipients who have continued to serve faithfully and with exemplary effort. Recognized were:

  • Pradeep Kumar Bansal, PhD, FASHRAE, research-and-development scientist, building-equipment research, Energy and Transportation Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
  • Piotr A. Domanski, PhD, FASHRAE, Life Member, leader, HVAC&R Equipment Performance Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Md.
  • Chad B. Dorgan, PhD, PE, FASHRAE, vice president, quality and sustainability, McCarthy Holdings Inc., St. Louis.
  • Brian A. Fricke, PhD, senior research-and-development staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
  • Victor W. Goldschmidt, PhD, FASHRAE, Life Member, Northpoint, Mich., professor emeritus, Purdue University, School of Mechanical Engineering, West Lafayette, Ind.
  • Presidential Member A. Damon Gowan, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, retired president, Gowan Inc. Mechanical Contractors, Galveston, Texas.
  • John L. Harrod, PE, HFDP, Edmond, Okla.
  • T. Randall Jones, Life Member, president, Chapman Co., Mt. Pleasant, S.C.
  • Dennis J. Wessel, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, Hudson, Ohio.
  • Craig Wray, P.Eng., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, retired from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award salutes members of any grade who have served ASHRAE faithfully and with distinction and who have given freely of their time and talent in chapter, regional, and Society activities. Recognized were:

  • Omar Abdelaziz, PhD, senior research-and-development staff and group leader, building-equipment research group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
  • James Bochat, Life Member, president, Commissioning Concepts, Phoenix.
  • Wade H. Conlan, PE, CPMP, principal, exp, Maitland, Fla.
  • John D. Cowan, P.Eng., Life Member, independent consultant involved in the fair reporting of energy savings achieved by energy-efficiency projects, Toronto.
  • Chuck Dale-Derks, PE, principal, McClure Engineering, St. Louis.
  • Drake H. Erbe, vice president of market development, Airxchange Inc., Rockland, Md.
  • Robert H. Fuller, PE, Life Member, director of engineering, Metro CD Engineering LLC, Columbus, Ohio.
  • Robert J. Hitchcock, PhD, principal, Hitchcock Consulting, Sacramento, Calif.
  • Walter D. Horn, PE, president/CEO, WH Engineering Inc., Richardson, Texas.
  • Carl F. Huber, PE, vice president of corporate quality and sustainability, Waterfurnace International Inc., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
  • Bruce D. Hunn, PhD, FASHRAE, Life Member, Raleigh, N.C.
  • Robert A. Jones, PE, engineer, Parker Sporlan Division, Washington, Mo.
  • Dennis R. Landsberg, PhD, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, BEAP, president, L&S Energy Services Inc., Clifton Park, N.Y., and Henderson, Nev.
  • Karine Leblanc, sales engineer, U.S. Air Conditioning Distributors, City of Industry, Calif.
  • Mark M. MacCracken, PE, CEO, CALMAC, Fair Lawn, N.J.
  • Michael F. Mamayek, PE, Life Member, executive vice president, Illingworth-Kilgust Mechanical, West Allis, Wis.
  • Timothy P. McDowell, BEMP, executive vice president, Thermal Energy System Specialists LLC, Madison, Wis.
  • Alex McGowan, P.Eng., vice president of technical services, WSP Canada Inc., Victoria, British Columbia.
  • Gregory Meeuwsen, staff engineer, acoustics and mechanics technology, Ingersoll Rand – Trane Commercial HVAC, La Crosse, Wis.
  • Matthew C. Middlebrooks, senior product engineer, Filtration Group, York, S.C.
  • Barbara Haviland Minor, senior technical fellow – refrigerants, The Chemours Co., Wilmington, Dela.
  • Ronald L. Petersen, PhD, FASHRAE, CPP Inc., Fort Collins, Colo.
  • Heather L. Platt, PE, senior associate, Mazzetti, Greensboro, N.C.
  • Daniel R. Rogers, PE, president and owner, Flow Control Technology Co. LLC, Tampa, Fla.
  • Steven Rosenstock, PE, senior manager, energy solutions, Edison Electric Institute, Washington, D.C.
  • Anand K. Seth, PE, Life Member, provider of consulting services to health-care clients, North Reading, Mass.
  • Frank Shadpour, PE, FASHRAE, HFDP, principal, SC Engineers Inc., San Diego.
  • Harris M. Sheinman, PE, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta.
  • Som S. Shrestha, PhD, BEMP, research-and-development staff, Building Technologies Research and Integration Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
  • Benjamin A. Skelton, PE, BEMP, CPMP, president, Cyclone Energy Group, Chicago.
  • Robert C. Sonderegger, PhD, Life Member, director and engineering advisor, Itron Inc., Oakland, Calif.
  • Bodh R. Subherwal, PE, Life Member, president, BR Laboratories Inc., Huntington Beach, Calif.
  • Scott Wayland, PE, mechanical engineering department manager, AEPC Group, San Ramon, Calif.
  • Christopher K. Wilkins, PE, senior project manager, CRB, Medford, Mass.

Journal Paper Award

Philip Bartholomew, PE, senior mechanical project engineer, Miller-Remick, Cherry Hill, N.J., received the Journal Paper Award for the April 2015 article “Energy-Efficient Approach for Operating Rooms,” judged to be the best article published in ASHRAE Journal.

Crosby Field Award

John A. Shonder, director, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Sustainability Performance Office, Washington, D.C., and Cyrus H. Nasseri, program manager, U.S. DOE Federal Energy Management Program, Washington, D.C., received the Crosby Field Award for their paper, “Achieving Deeper Energy Savings in Federal Energy Performance Contracts,” which was judged to be the best paper presented before the Society.

Technical Paper Award

The Technical Paper Award recognizes the best papers presented at Society conferences. Receiving the award were:

  • James W. VanGilder, director of thermal analytics, Schneider Electric, Andover, Mass.; Zachary M. Pardey, research engineer, Schneider Electric, Andover, Mass.; Dustin W. Demetriou, PhD, advisory engineer, Advanced Thermal Energy Efficiency Lab, IMB Corp., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; H. Ezzat Khalifa, PhD, FASHRAE, NYSTAR Distinguished Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, New York; Hamza Salih Erden, PhD, assistant professor, Informatics Institute, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey; and Roger R. Schmidt, PhD, PE, Traugott Distinguished Professor, Syracuse University, New York, for “Proposal for Standard Compact Server Model for Transient Data Center Simulations.”
  • David Pommerenke, PhD, EMC Laboratory, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla; Xu Gao, antenna engineer, Apple Inc., Cupertino, Calif.; Atieh Talebzadeh, PhD candidate, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla; David E. Swenson, president, Affinity Static Center Consulting LLC, Round Rock, Texas; Mahdi Moradian, PhD, Department of Engineering, Amin Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Iran; and Yunan Han, PhD, assistant professor, College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China, for “Dependence of ESD Charge Voltage on Humidity in Data Centers: Estimation of ESD Related Risk in Data Centers Using Voltage Level Extrapolation and Chebyshev’s Inequality.”
  • Michael P. Case, PhD, program manager for installations, Justine Yu, research architect, Richard J. Liesen, PhD, senior research engineer, energy systems, and Alexander Zhivov, PhD, senior research engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, Ill., and Matthew M. Swanson, PhD, Houghton, Mich., for “Integration of Master Planning and Energy Planning: From Detailed to Conceptual Analysis.”
  • Dennis L. O’Neal, PhD, PE, FASHRAE, dean, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Baylor University, Waco, Texas; Douglas Damon Ingram, research assistant, Baylor University, Waco;  and Carl Reid, staff engineer, Bee USA, Austin, Texas, for “Modeling Fan Powered Terminal Unit Fan/Motor Combinations Controlled by Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers.”

Willis H. Carrier Award

Dustin W. Demetriou, PhD, and Hamza Salih Erden, PhD, received the Willis H. Carrier Award, which is given to members 32 years of age or younger for presenting an outstanding paper at an ASHRAE conference, for “Proposal for Standard Compact Server Model for Transient Data Center Simulations.”

Lincoln Bouillon Award

Jessica Mangler, PE, mechanical engineer, Ross & Baruzzini, St. Louis, a member of the St. Louis chapter, received the Lincoln Bouillon Award, which recognizes a member who performs the most outstanding work in increasing membership.

William J. Collins Jr. RP Award

Kimberly M. Thompson, PE, HBDP, director of higher-education and laboratory markets, HTS, Houston, a member of the Houston chapter, received the William J. Collins Jr. RP Award, which recognizes a chapter RP chair who excels in raising funds for ASHRAE’s RP campaign.

Environmental Health Award

Francis J. Offermann, PE, CIH, president, Indoor Environmental Engineering, San Francisco, received the Environmental Health Award, which recognizes excellence in volunteer service focused on environmental-health issues.

Government Advocacy Award

Arthur D. Hallstrom, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, BEMP, Crestview, Fla., a member of the West Virginia chapter, received the Government Advocacy Award, which recognizes individuals for outstanding effort and achievement in state, provincial, and local government activities in connection with technical issues related to ASHRAE.

Lou Flagg Historical Award

Faye C. McQuiston, PhD, PE, FASHRAE, Life Member, professor emeritus, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla., a member of the Central Oklahoma chapter, received the Lou Flagg Historical Award, which recognizes an individual for preparing the most outstanding historical presentation related to HVAC&R.

Student Activities Achievement Award

Ather Naseem Siddiqui, CEO, Environmental Engineering Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan, a member of the Northern Pakistan Chapter, received the Student Activities Achievement Award, which recognizes a chapter Student Activities Committee chair for service related to the goals and growth of student activities.

Standards Achievement Award

Jerry M. Sipes, PhD, PE, who prior to his death served as vice president of engineering, Price Industries Inc., Suwanee, Ga., received the Standards Achievement Award, which recognizes exceptional service in the area of standards leadership and technical contribution.

Ralph G. Nevins Physiology and Human Environment Award

Jovan Pantelic, PhD, an assistant professional researcher, Center for the Built Environment, University of California, Berkeley, received the Ralph G. Nevins Physiology and Human Environment Award, which is given to a promising investigator for significant accomplishment in the general area of peoples’ response to the environment.