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WaterFurnace International

Spirax Sarco Basic Steam-Boiler Course Set

April 4, 2017
Basic Steam Boiler Operator Training will be held May 1-5 at Spirax Sarco's training facility in Blythewood, S.C.

Spirax Sarco, provider of products and services for steam-system management, will hold a five-day course, Basic Steam Boiler Operator Training, May 1-5 at its training facility in Blythewood, S.C.

Designed for steam-plant operators, maintenance personnel, and supervisors/managers; facility-operations/maintenance personnel; and anyone associated with energy conversion, the course will cover virtually all facets of steam-boiler operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Instructor Byron Nichols will cover common boiler auxiliaries and operating techniques. Safety and efficiency of operation will be stressed. Information on modern boiler water-treatment practices, construction, and repair methods; waste-heat recovery; controls; fuels; and draft will be included. The training manual will include information on instrumentation and programmable logic controllers, variable-frequency drives, steam-system optimization, reverse-osmosis systems, low-nitrogen-oxide burners, and boiler startup and shutdown procedures.

On May 5, American Society of Power Engineers Region 4 will provide Entry Level 3 through Chief Engineering Level testing to those who qualify.

The course also will be held Sept. 11-15.

Seating is limited. For more information and to register, go to