
New Guide to Designing HVAC Systems for Natatoriums Available

Nov. 2, 2015
The 24-page, 4-color publication reviews pool room design considerations The Guide describes how to overcome challenges in existing HVAC system designs as well as new construction The Guide is available for download as a PDF document, or a printed edition

Desert Aire, a Milwaukee-based manufacturer of commercial and industrial humidity and climate control systems, has published a new guide that provides owners, mechanical contractors and engineers with a valuable resource for designing and retrofitting the HVAC systems of indoor pool facilities, natatoriums, aquatic centers and indoor water parks.

“A Guide to an Integrated HVAC System Design for the 21st Century Natatorium” is a 24-page, 4-color publication that reviews pool room design considerations including recent breakthroughs in understanding the complexities of maintaining the indoor air quality of an indoor pool facility. The Guide describes how to overcome challenges in existing HVAC system designs as well as new construction by taking an integrated, sustainable approach to creating the best indoor pool facilities for all stakeholders.

The integrated approach helps engineers and other planners achieve 21st Century design goals of protecting the health of swimmers, divers, coaches and spectators; promoting the long-term structural integrity of the building and supporting systems; and conserving energy, water and water treatment resources.

The Guide is available for download as a PDF document at To receive a printed copy of the Guide, email [email protected].