Bell & Gossett, a brand of water-technology provider Xylem Inc., recently announced the fourth-quarter seminar schedule for its Little Red Schoolhouse in Morton Grove, Ill.:
• Service & Maintenance of Water Based HVAC Systems, Sept. 30 to Oct. 2.
• Modern Hydronic Heating Systems – Basic, Oct. 7-9 (Green Building Certification Institute- [GBCI-] approved).
• Modern Hydronic Heating Systems – Advanced, Oct. 28-30 (GBCI-approved).
• Large Chilled Water System Design, Nov. 4-6 (GBCI-approved).
• Design & Application of Water Based HVAC Systems, Nov. 11-13 (GBCI-approved).
• Plumbing Systems Design, Nov. 18-20.
• Steam System Design & Application, Dec. 16-18.
The seminars are taught by LEED accredited professionals. Upon successful completion, attendees are awarded 1.7 continuing-education units.
For seminar descriptions and enrollment information, visit
More than 55,000 engineers, contractors, and installers from around the world have been trained at the Bell & Gossett Little Red Schoolhouse since 1954.