“Fundamentals of Hydronic, Air and Geothermal Systems” is the topic of Session 3 of Taco University, which will be held Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the Taco Innovation & Development Center in Cranston, R.I.
Taught by working professionals with decades of practical experience, Session 3 will familiarize participants with many of the systems installers and engineers encounter in the field and explain how to turn design and engineering theory into real-world, effective HVAC systems. Participants will earn up to four professional-development hours.
Participants will begin with a heating- and cooling-load calculation for a sample office building and then create basic designs for a hydronic heating system and a hydronic cooling system.
Using the same sample building, students will create a constant-volume-system design and two variable-air-volume- (VAV-) system designs: one including conventional VAV boxes with hot-water reheat and one including fan-powered VAV boxes with hot-water reheat. Students then will compare power and space requirements, as well as operating costs.
Students also will explore the fundamentals of geothermal systems, including closed-loop systems, open-loop systems, hydronic chilled-water and hot-water systems, and geothermal air systems.
Registration for Session 3 is $119. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. To register, go to https://www.taco-hvac.com/university_regisration.html.