ASHRAE is seeking papers for its 2016 Annual Conference, which will be held June 25-29 in St. Louis, Mo.
The Renewable Energy Systems and Net Zero Buildings track features sessions on high energy efficiency and methods of design. The track addresses recent advances in alternative energy systems and equipment and new design strategies for achieving net-zero buildings.
Exploring the wide range of refrigeration systems under development, the Advances in Refrigeration Systems and Alternative Refrigerants track places special emphasis on the use of alternative refrigerants in vapor-compression machines to address environmental concerns.
The Smart Building Systems/Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics track covers advanced communication protocols, system integration, building-management-system tools, data management, and analysis.
The Professional Skills Beyond Engineering track seeks to ensure professional skills are being developed and maintained beyond engineering essentials.
ASHRAE offers two types of paper submissions:
- Conference papers, abstracts for which are due Sept. 14, 2015. Accepted papers will be due Jan. 4, 2016. These “final” papers, which have an eight-single-spaced-page maximum length, undergo a single-blind review.
- Full technical papers, which are due Sept. 14, 2015. These papers, which can be a maximum of 30 double-spaced pages, undergo a rigorous double-blind review.
To submit a conference-paper abstract or a technical paper and for more information about the conference, visit