Shaunica Jayson, ABMA
Educating Boiler End-Users

ABMA Focuses on Educating End-Users

Sept. 4, 2018
Emphasizing outreach, the industry group has launched a new podcast series and published a new installation guide for members.

By SCOTT LYNCH, American Boiler Manufacturers Association

The American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA) has tapped into a need for the boiler industry with the launch of its new podcast and release of the Boiler Installation Guide. These new products are focused on educating boiler end-users to ensure boilers are safely operated and optimized to perform at the most efficient levels.

ABMA’s podcast, Inside the Boiler Room, was launched in June and, by late August, its first four episodes already had been downloaded more than 600 times. The monthly podcast features interviews with experts on a wide range of topics impacting the global boiler industry.

Our goal is to talk directly to the end-user community and offer education and insights on today’s boiler room.  The podcast will also share boiler innovations, industry trends and help end-users avoid issues in their facilities.

ABMA recently released Episode #5 featuring Connor Lokar, an economist and in-demand speaker from ITR Economics. The interview included insights on short and long-term economic outlook, the impact of tariffs on manufacturing and realities of coal, gas and renewables. 

ABMA is a long-time partner with ITR Economics and our members receive quarterly economic reports on trends impacting the boiler industry to stay ahead of the curve and make informed business decisions.

Previous podcast episodes have focused on boiler maintenance and training and the importance of proper boiler installation that included an overview of ABMA’s recently released Boiler Installation Guide.

The episode on boiler maintenance and training featured Steve Taylor from WARE. This conversation addressed the need for a comprehensive maintenance schedule, how to head off issues before they become big problems and the importance of partnering with expert field technicians. In addition, the podcast addressed importance of training for boiler installers, operators and anyone working with boilers and Steve shared some details on WARE’s Boiler University.

For the topic of boiler installation, ABMA was joined by Gene Tompkins, ABMA’s Technical Consultant and Jim Kolbus, product manager at Clark-Reliance, who authored the recently released Boiler Installation Guide.

The Guide is set up to assist installers with ensuring proper installation by addressing common issues in the combustion air supply & tuning, safety controls, stacks & duct work and much more. In addition, the appendix shares many of the codes and regulation groups that have an influence over boiler installations.

During the podcast episode, Gene and Jim highlighted the most common missteps of the boiler installation, the importance of incorporating the proper codes and standards and what can happen if the boiler is not properly installed by a trained technician.

To subscribe and download episodes of ABMA’s Inside the Boiler Room podcast, visit iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or other podcast platforms. 

In the coming months, ABMA will be releasing new publications focusing on Deaeration that will be followed by a future episode of Inside the Boiler Room, where we will share an overview of the publications and discuss the importance of this critical boiler room component. 

In addition, ABMA will be launching Boiler Weekly, an e-newsletter focused on news from our industry.  If you are interested in subscribing to the e-newsletter, send us an email to [email protected].

For more details on ABMA, the podcasts, or to download the Boiler Installation Guide, visit