In this series, HPAC Engineering regularly shares the practical insights and handy how-to advice for boiler operation and maintenance best practices, as compiled by the knowledgeable and prolific content creators at WARE, a family-owned, third-generation, commercial and industrial boiler rental and service firm based in Louisville KY.
In this episode, Ritchie Ware talks with WARE director of sales Gerald Blain about liquid natural gas (LNG) and its uses as a backup fuel for boilers. With the colder months upon us, the chances of being curtailed go up substantially. So having a backup fuel system is a must. Using something like LNG allows you to have a backup system that's not only easy to contain but economical as well.
To read HPAC Engineering's recent interview with Ritchie Ware, click here.For more videos, visit the vast WARE resource library here.