Hpac Com Sites Hpac com Files Uploads 2016 06 09 1157

Advanced Heating Technology: Applying VRF in Cold Climates

June 9, 2016
Heating in cold climates has put industry professionals to the test. Many heating systems don’t perform as the temperature drops, causing end users to rely on auxiliary heat, and often on fossil fuels. Advanced heating technology was developed to address these very issues, and heat pumps can now offer impressive performance in even the coldest climates – with no need for auxiliary heat.

Heating in cold climates has put industry professionals to the test. Many heating systems don’t perform as the temperature drops, causing end users to rely on auxiliary heat, and often on fossil fuels. Advanced heating technology was developed to address these very issues, and heat pumps can now offer impressive performance in even the coldest climates – with no need for auxiliary heat. Heat pumps with advanced heating technology save end users energy and money. This is excellent news for the building professionals who get called in winter after icy winter to solve cold climate heating challenges.