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White Paper Examines Updated AMCA 250-22 Standard for Parking Garages

May 11, 2022
New document from Systemair targets parking garage engineers and designers, outlining details within newest revision of AMCA/ANSI Standard 250-22.


(LENEXA, KANSAS) – In January 2022, the Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) announced the publication of a revised standard, ANSI/AMCA 250-22. After reviewing the announcement, Systemair has released a white paper for parking garage engineers and designers entitled, “Certified Performance Data of Jet Fans: Accuracy Leads to Safety.”

The white paper outlines clarification as to why ANSI/AMCA Standard 250-22 is the most accurate third-party certification for testing thrust and airflow performance in jet fans. It also addresses why this standard is important for carpark ventilation as well as the implications of third-party certification of jet fan data through a trusted, non-biased source.

“The newest revision to AMCA Standard 250 now contains testing methods to create lab simulations that best replicate the most recent development in the jet fan industry: carpark ventilation,” said John Gramke, Systemair's National Sales Manager - Commercial HVAC / Car Park Ventilation. “The trusted, certified testing methods provided within this standard will assure engineers that their designs are not only accurate, but safe.”

The white paper is available for download here.


Systemair in brief Systemair is a leading ventilation company with operations in 54 countries in Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and Africa. The Company had sales of SEK 8.5 billion in the 2020/21 financial year and employs approximately 6,400 people. Systemair has reported an operating profit every year since 1974, when the company was founded. Over the past 10 years, the Company's growth rate has averaged about 10 percent. Systemair helps to improve the indoor climate with the help of energy-efficient and sustainable products that reduce carbon dioxide emissions. For more, contact Katy Tomasulo, [email protected]